Health is very important and plays a crucial role in every one's life. Proper nutritional and balanced diet will protect you from preventible diseases.
Balanced diet will avoid all the problems related to different organs of the body such as eyes, hair, mouth, nose, skin, bones, blood, muscles and brain etc. Proper diet will contain all the vitamins required for the body for normal growth, metabolism and proper functioning. To maintain your health, you have to take sufficient vitamins.
Skin is one among the organs of the body. It needs vitamins like A, C, E, K and B-complex for preventing skin diseases like itching, wrinkles, aging, flakiness and dryness etc. How your ski n looks depends on various factors like sun burns, dehydration, deficiency etc. The essential vitamins for healthy looking skin are as follows:
Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant and is essential to keep skin's elasticity, prevent dryness, wrinkles and aging of the skin, helps in healthy blood circulation, promotes growth of new cells and boosts immunity. If you have deficiency of vitamin A body, you will have flakiness, itching and possibly pimples. Vitamin A can be found in meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, carrots, squash and broccoli.
Vitamin B complex group, biotin is the most important for healthy skin and produces red blood cells which boost blood circulation and gives certain glow. It is available in bananas, eggs, oatmeal, tomatoes and rice. The body also produces biotin.
Vitamin C keeps skin well-toned and can cause wrinkles and skin discoloration, loss of skin elasticity. These are obtained from broccoli, kale, cabbage, strawberries and cantaloupe are all full of Vitamin C.
Vitamin E restores moisture to skin and slows the aging of skin and it is present in the food sources like vegetable oil, green leafy vegetables and nuts are good sources of vitamin E.
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Balanced diet will avoid all the problems related to different organs of the body such as eyes, hair, mouth, nose, skin, bones, blood, muscles and brain etc. Proper diet will contain all the vitamins required for the body for normal growth, metabolism and proper functioning. To maintain your health, you have to take sufficient vitamins.
Skin is one among the organs of the body. It needs vitamins like A, C, E, K and B-complex for preventing skin diseases like itching, wrinkles, aging, flakiness and dryness etc. How your ski n looks depends on various factors like sun burns, dehydration, deficiency etc. The essential vitamins for healthy looking skin are as follows:
Vitamin A acts as an antioxidant and is essential to keep skin's elasticity, prevent dryness, wrinkles and aging of the skin, helps in healthy blood circulation, promotes growth of new cells and boosts immunity. If you have deficiency of vitamin A body, you will have flakiness, itching and possibly pimples. Vitamin A can be found in meat, milk, cheese, eggs, spinach, carrots, squash and broccoli.
Vitamin B complex group, biotin is the most important for healthy skin and produces red blood cells which boost blood circulation and gives certain glow. It is available in bananas, eggs, oatmeal, tomatoes and rice. The body also produces biotin.
Vitamin C keeps skin well-toned and can cause wrinkles and skin discoloration, loss of skin elasticity. These are obtained from broccoli, kale, cabbage, strawberries and cantaloupe are all full of Vitamin C.
Vitamin E restores moisture to skin and slows the aging of skin and it is present in the food sources like vegetable oil, green leafy vegetables and nuts are good sources of vitamin E.
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