Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Impact of Drugs on Driving

Depending on the various types of drugs, the effects on the brain and the body may differ. The necessary driving skills required will be reduced because of the consumption of either the illegal drugs or the prescription drugs. The effective skills which are used for driving are exact vision, responding to the actions, hearing, judgment, processing the simultaneous tasks. Driving also requires the thinking capabilities for processing and psychometric skills. All these skills will be impaired due to drug abuse. If the drugs are being mixed with the alcohol then there will be adverse effects. Some of the impacts of various types of drugs are:

  • Marijuana: By consuming Marijuana, concentration will be affected and it spoils the ability of a person to drive. It may even lead to the poor speed regulation, even drowsiness, inability to read accurately the signs and even distraction from driving. When both the alcohol and the marijuana are taken at a time it even impairs the reaction time and even coordination. Even there are different effects when the marijuana is being consumed with other drugs.
  • Cocaine: After the consumption of cocaine, the person gets tiredness and even high dosages leads to loss in the concentration, coordination and vision. If used along with psychotrophic drugs, it will be even more dangerous.
  • Tranquilizers: By the usage of tranquilizers before driving they result in poor tracking, neglecting road instructions. Synergetic effects are observed if they are consumed with the depressant.
  • Opiates: By the consumption of the opiates visual impairments may occur and even the judgment errors occur.
  • Amphetamines: They also effect the concentration, risk of the fatalities may increase and even changes in the vision may occur. Even by using the ecstasy also involves in the distortion of the vision and even hearing.
No matter what illegal drug you take, it is harmful for you only. Each and every illicit drug has ability to impairs your driving skills which may lead to fatalities.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Differences Between Automation And Manual techniques

Automation is increasing rapidly in every field. Increase in the automation results in both advantages and disadvantages. Before automation the manual techniques are being used. Both of them are having their own importance. In some cases if usage of automation is effective, manual techniques will be helpful in few cases. Based on the usage automation and manual techniques can be compared.
  1. Maintenance: Manual does not need much of maintenance. But automation needs maintenance their repair costs are very high. As there will be a vast usage of automated machines.
  2. Efficient: Both are efficient. But automation is having greater efficiency.
  3. Fuel economy: Fuel needed will be less for the manual control of the systems. Fuel economy will be more for automated machines.
  4. Cost: Naturally the cost of automation is very high because a large number of automated machines are used with the present technologies. The cost is very less when compared to the automation being used.
  5. Network Problems: There are no network problems when we use Manual techniques. The Network problems are the major issues during usage of automation.
  6. Time Consumption: The time consumed for manufacturing any product will be less during automation. But during manual procedures time consumed to manufacture each and every product will be high.
But on a whole to meet the present trends automation should be used in the present competitive network to meet the needs of the customers.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Disadvantages Of Offline Marketing

Advantages and disadvantages of any product are like two sides of coin. It is a fact that if few things have advantages then they also have few disadvantages. If some one is planning about marketing for product or service through offline marketing methods then it will be better to understand advantages and drawbacks of theses process. There are following disadvantages of offline marketing:
  • Limitation in Audience Reached – An online marketing is capable to give business as global exposure but offline marketing is limited in terms of the circulation of newspaper or magazine, television, radio station, etc.
  • High Marketing Cost – Advertisement through this method is quite expensive. It is all because advertisement in this process mainly done by print or via live broadcasting means like television.
  • Limited Accessibility – Offline is traditional method of marketing so quick accessibility is limited. As compare to online marketing it is very slow because in online marketing visitors or customers can contact immediately using email, telephone, or even by a chat box.
  • Time Frame – Time constraint is a common offline marketing disadvantages. It is too slow because online sites operate 24 hours but offline marketing are limited for a certain period of time.
These are the major disadvantages of offline marketing but they can be eliminated with proper planning. Proper knowledge of marketing and correct decision at right time