Learn to manage your time to get as much as you can out of each day. You can never get back the time you have wasted. Organize and plan your activities and accomplish them in less time. Try to differentiate between the tasks, which are important and urgent. Follow the simple steps given below to manage your time effectively.
- Plan your activities, maintain notes, or get an organizer. Make daily, weekly and monthly targets.
- Place small notes on your goals and plans and paste them at places where you spend more time. This will remind you about them time to time.
- Reduce time spending on T.V, mobile, and useless discussions.
- Avoid distractions while working on a high priority activity. Put all your effort on that.
- Plan for next day or create list of things to do, while waiting for someone.
- Do not waste time on decisions that have equal consequences.
- Limit the number of activities that have high priority.